
  • Andrew Lanning, Chairman @InfraGard Hawaii
  • Gordon Bruce, CEO @GJB & Associates
  • Dave Stevens, CIO @Kapu Technologies
  • Sanjeev Verma, Cofounder & Chairman @PreVeil

NDIA Hawaii, InfraGard Hawaii, Kapu Technologies, GJB & Associates and PreVeil teamed up for this great webinar focused on providing defense contractors with the advice and information they need to ensure cloud compliance for CMMC. Attendees came away with an understanding of what CMMC compliance means for their cloud strategy as well as where they should focus your efforts to expedite compliance.

Links to documents discussed in the webinar: SP 800-171 Rev. 2 and SP 800-171A.


Learn about how PreVeil can help get you on the path to CMMC compliance.

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