Encrypted Email and File Sharing for
Law Firms Handling Regulated Data

Protect Legal Data with PreVeil

Whether it’s HIPAA, FERPA, GLB, DFARS, CMMC, or ITAR, PreVeil streamlines compliance, enabling law firms to meet diverse regulatory standards effortlessly with a single, powerful platform.

End-to-end encryption ensures the highest level of security. Only the sender and recipient can access the data and no one else.

Enables law firms to send and receive encrypted, compliant emails and files without disrupting their existing workflows.

Clients and other third parties can create PreVeil email accounts for free, saving 60% vs alternatives.

Get to Know the PreVeil Platform

Encrypt, store and share files containing client legal data while using granular access to control permissions. Shared data can even be revoked to mitigate 3rd party risk. Works with Explorer, Mac Finder and on browsers. Impervious to costly ransomware attacks.

Law firms live on Email. PreVeil empowers firms and clients to send and receive end-to-end encrypted messages with their existing email addresses. Seamlessly integrates with Outlook, Gmail, and Apple Mail, providing robust protection against phishing by restricting communication to authorized users only.

PreVeil Email and Drive are also available as a free encrypted app on iOS and Android phones and tablets.

Clients and other third parties can create PreVeil accounts for free, resulting in 60% savings compared to those from large providers.

You don’t want to be on the front page after a breach; PreVeil meets NIST 800-171 and CMMC standards and was hands-down the easiest solution to use because it integrates seamlessly with our workflows, like Outlook.

DBL ultimately decided PreVeil is easier, less expensive, and therefore, a no brainer.

Jennifer Morris

Partner, Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig

Low-cost platform that can be quickly deployed alongside an organization’s existing IT without any impact to those systems.

Ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of client data.

Encryption Safe Harbor regulations only require notification of breaches for unencrypted data. Law firms can avoid significant expense and reputation damage because data is end-to-end encrypted.

Stay ahead of evolving regulations with PreVeil’s industry-leading compliance certifications including FedRAMP Moderate Equivalent, FIPS 140-2 encryption, SOC-2 and support for NIST 800-171.

4 Years in a Row

Recognized by PC Magazine as the Editors’ Choice for Best Encrypted Email and File Sharing system.