Encrypted Email & File Sharing for Aerospace & Defense

Simplified Compliance for Defense Contractors

Get to Know the PreVeil Platform

Encrypt, store and share files containing CUI while using granular access to control permissions. Shared data can even be revoked to mitigate 3rd party risk. Works with Explorer, Mac Finder and on browsers. Impervious to costly ransomware attacks.

Enables defense contractors and their subs  to send and receive end-to-end encrypted messages using their existing email address. Seamlessly integrates with Outlook, Gmail, and Apple Mail. Offers strong protection against phishing scams since you can restrict communication only to authorized users.

PreVeil Email and Drive are also available as a free encrypted app on iOS and Android phones and tablets.

Subcontractors and other third parties can create PreVeil accounts for free, resulting in 60% savings compared to those from large providers.

A proven toolkit that, along with PreVeil Email & Drive, cuts your CMMC documentation work by 60%, expediting compliance and saving tens of thousands of dollars. It includes C3PAO-validated videos, pre-filled documentation (Standard Operating Procedure, System Security Plan, etc), and 1×1 support from our compliance experts if you get stuck.

Why Over 1,100 Leading Defense Contractors Choose PreVeil

Our comprehensive solution includes a platform to protect CUI and ITAR data, robust documentation, and consulting to simplify compliance and reduce cost.

Only users handling CUI require a low-cost, all-inclusive license. Furthermore, an organization’s suppliers and partners can join for free.

Deploys in hours using your existing email addresses and integrates with Outlook, Gmail, and all their usual workflows.

10+ defense contractors using PreVeil have received perfect 110/ scores in rigorous DoD Audits (DIBCAC High & JSVA).

A Proven Solution

Recognized by PC Magazine as the Editors’ Choice for Best Encrypted Email and File Sharing system.